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What does counselling involve?


The decision to see a counsellor can feel like a big step. You may be nervous about the thought of talking to someone you don't know, or embarrassed about having to ask for help. Admitting that things aren't working for you however takes courage and is a sign of strength. As a counsellor I will work to understand and support you to explore the difficulties you are experiencing. This can help you to better know and accept yourself, which in itself can ease any pressures that you feel, but also help you to make changes.


What I do


I don't offer advice, I listen. I will not judge, or give an opinion on what is right or wrong.  You play an active part in the work and are in control of the sessions and what you talk about. This can be particularly powerful if it feels as if you've lost control over your life.  I feel an incredible sense of human connection and privilege when clients feel safe enough to open up to me about their lives. It is through this powerful relationship which develops between us that the therapeutic process occurs.


What can counselling help with?


Anything. There are no limits when it comes to how counselling can work. If something is bothering you, then it's worth talking about - no problem is too small, nor is it too big. Even if it feels as if you can't go on, talking about it can help. Counselling is useful for finding ways to tackle anxiety and depression, as well as obstacles to wellbeing such as bereavement, relationship issues and physical illness. We are however all different so there can be times when therapy doesn't make a particularly good fit, or different approaches are more appropriate. If we discover that this is the case, I can help you to find alternative support.


Privacy and confidentiality


The work between us is confidential - whatever is discussed stays between you and me. This is important for the therapy to be effective. There are a few legal exceptions to this which will be discussed in our first session together. This confidentiality policy follows the guidelines set out by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and I am bound by the BACP’s professional code of ethics.

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